Thursday, February 4, 2010

February 3rd

Another good day. Standard diet, hard work at the gym.

Breakfast: Oatmeal with nuts and honey
Mid-morning: Tuna, rice-cake, apple
Lunch: Chilli with rice and steamed veg
Snack: 3 cream crackers
Mid-afternoon: Tuna, rice-cake, apple
Pre-workout: Weetabix and a handful of raisins
Post workout: Chocolate milk
Dinner: Small bowl of soup and an oat bar

Only bad bits here were the snack crackers (I was just starving hungry) and the crappy dinner. I really need to start taking more food to work for the mornings and afternoons. I eat mid morning at 9.30, and by 10 I’m hungry again. My metabolism must be through the roof, and I’m still losing weight. Down to 12 stone 1 (77 kg) this morning.

Warmup: Jogging on the spot, jumping jacks, shuffles etc.
Circuit 1: 10 pressups, 10 squat thrusts, 10 crunches, 10 burpees, repeat 3 times then rest 1 minute = 1 set. Do 3 sets. This pretty much killed my legs for the rest of the session.
Circuit 2: Skipping. 8 minutes or so. Made my ankle hurt, and coming right after the circuit above, I was tripping and stumbling all over the place. Screw skipping, seriously. Stupid damn exercise.
Circuit 3: Heavy bag: 30 seconds continuous jabbing, rest 30, repeat twice. Same again with right hands and combinations. Much more to my taste! I’d rather do an hour of this than skip.
Circuit 4: Focus work: Throwing 1,2,3 or 4 punch combinations against a partner’s gloves. Really enjoyed this. Was working with Thomas today, and he was quite complimentary of my punching. meant a lot because he’s been boxing for a while and knows what he’s doing.
Circuit 5: Modified planks: Start in a normal plank position, resting on your forearms, then move each arm in turn so that you’re propped on your hands in a pressup position, then move back to the forearms. That’s 1 rep. We did 20, rest, 20, rest, 25.
Stretching. (Made sure I had a really good 10 minute stretch)

Really hard work, I seem to struggle more than the others with the burpees and other leg work. Can’t explain why really, since my cardio when punching is as good as anyone in the group. My best guess is that they all do sports like rugby, football and tennis, and simply have stronger legs than me.

I got some really bad cramps in my legs this evening, despite the stretching, but I can’t be too worried about that. The bruising on my right hand knuckles was worse after this session so I got the ice out. I’ll make sure my hand-wraps protect the area properly on Saturday.

66 days to go…

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