Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 10th

Urgh, bad day. The diet wasn’t great, and I had no energy when I hit the gym.

Normal. I screwed up my boiled eggs, so was hungry during the day. Had grilled chicken with pasta in the evening. Kirsty’s cooking and general looking-after-me continues to be awesome!

Warmup: None
Shadowing: 4 sets of 2 minutes shadow boxing individually. Andy walked round taking us through focus pad drills.
Heavy bag: 4 sets of 2 minutes throwing punches, moving around the bag.
Parrying: Work with a partner, parrying jabs and catching right hands. I was working with Chris, who’s a lot better at this than me it seems.
Circuit 1: 10 pressups, 10 crunches, 10 squat thrusts, 10 burpees, 10 ring jumps (hopping two-footed onto the side of the ring, about 18 inches or so off the ground, then hopping back down), repeat from the pressups.

So essentially just lots and lots of punching. As we were told before, the training will move towards this and away from fitness.

However, today I was just crap. I had no energy, no snap to my punches, no bounce in my legs. All round rubbish. I think I need a rest day.

59 days to go…

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