Saturday, December 26, 2009

December 25th

Merry Christmas!

Like I said yesterday, no time off, but the rules were relaxed slightly to accommodate some festive celebrations.

Breakfast: Crostini, scrambled egg, smoked salmon
Snacks: Pringles, winegums and chocolate
Lunch: Roast ham, roast potatoes, sage and onion stuffing, cauliflower and broccoli gratin, pigs-in-blankets, sweetcorn, gravy
Dinner: More Pringles, more winegums, bread with humous
Drinks: 4 pints of beer, couple of glasses of wine

So yeah, not such a good day for the diet! Boxing day will have me back on the case though. I made a huge pea and ham soup from the ham stock we had so I'll be eating that for a few days.

When I went to the final meeting with Vanda, the trainers explained roughly how the workout regime would pan out. It turned out they expect us to exercise 7 days a week. Sounded strange to me, I'd always been told that you need a rest day for your muscles to recover, for various reasons. However, the coaches explained that rather than rest days, we should have 'recovery days' where we'd do low impact work and stretching, rather than just sitting around doing nothing. So yesterday I swam for 30 minutes, then did 20 minutes of stretching, working out some of the tension in my arms and back. I'll be back on the impact regime tomorrow, with another recovery day around the 29th.

106 days to go...

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