Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24th

Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring…except me working out

Yup, no time for breaks. I finished work at 3 today, but I stuck to the same routine; eating at the same times and starting exercise at 6.30.

I ached a fair bit this morning, especially my forearms and lower back. Forearms I can blame on the rowing, and the back strain is almost certainly due to sitting at a desk all day with crappy posture. Since I get occasional backache at work, hopefully the training will help relieve it.

Breakfast: Cornflakes with milk
Mid Morning: 1 apple
Lunch: The last of the bacon and butterbean stew
Snack: 1 apple, small bowl of cocopops (Yesterday I got a bit low on energy during the workout, so trying to eat a bit extra today)
Dinner: Steak with grilled veg (really nice, shall be having more often)

I was happy with my effort level yesterday, and finishing the workout totally exhausted is the aim, so I did the same today.
Warmup: 1 Km rowing + stretches
Pressups: 20 x 2 sets
Planks: 40 seconds front, left and right x 2 sets
Russian Twists with a 3 Kg medicine ball: Counted today, managed 22 reps
1 Kg hand weights: Slow speed ‘punching’ again. 2 minutes x 3 sets (Much more like it, yesterday I was being a wuss)
Rowing: 2min/1min x 10 intervals
Swimming: 15 minutes. Was able to do this today after skipping it yesterday. Hopefully it’ll help with the aches.

Because it’s Christmas eve, I plan to undo some of my hard work by going out for a few drinks with Kirsty. I figure that’s fine since I’ve done my workout for the day. I won't overdo it since I want to work out tomorrow as well.

107 days to go-ho-ho…

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