Monday, March 8, 2010

March 7th

Plan for today was to go for a bit walk with Kirsty, so we get exercise AND spend time together. Also we had a picnic. Not exactly Rocky jogging in the snow, but still.

Breakfast: Pesto pasta
Lunch: Ham sandwich, 1 chicken leg, crusty toast with hummus, pesto pasta, cloudy lemonade
Dinner: Chicken kiev, jacket potato

Okay, not a great day for the diet, but bear in mind that we had to walk about 5 miles up a hill to have the picnic and it’s far less bad

Lots and lots of walking up large hills
Swimming later

Was too knackered after the walk to do much else, and my arms still ached slightly anyway. Should probably have done more, especially with the fight only a month away, but I’ve got an extremely hectic week planned, so that’ll make up for it.

34 days to go…

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